Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Bussleton, Albany, Bremer Bay

Having a stretch

These are some pics from our journey down south. Turns out that if you don't add the photos for a blog entry in exactly the correct order, there is no way that you can then switch them around. (At least no way that "computer-retard-Erin" can figure out, anyway)
So, as a result these photos are all in reverse-chronological order (except the swan photo above which should really have gone at the bottom)... so I suggest starting at the bottom of the post and moving upward. I'm going to write the captions from the bottom up so it will definately help if you want them to make sense.
Anyway, the whole trip was actually 'work' for Casper because he needed to visit some of the camps that were running. Luckily I got to tag along and suddenly it was a holiday. YAY! Much fun.

This photo doesnt really show the massive waves that were breaking over the edge. The ocean was wild, and would flow into the pool but somehow it always stayed calm.
It also was shallow enough that the water had evaporated and left an increased salt level... so I jumped in and to my surprise was VERY bouyant. I even tried to dive down and it kept spitting me back up to the surface.

This was the highlight. We wandered along the rocks near Little Boat Harbour in Bremer, and stumbled across this incredible rock pool. It was beautiful green, and had heaps of beautiful seagrass and fishes in it!

Some of the old machinery at the Homestead.

Casper stayed cleaner than I did.

We spent some time at Wellstead's Homestead in Bremer Bay, where they have a MASSIVE grove of heritage-listed mulberry trees. We got very purple, and some nice old lady saw me up a tree covered in mulberry juice and decided I must be the "mulberry nimph"...
This is some moss on the tree.

Some rather ridiculous photos of Casper and I. We tried and tried and tried to get a good shot, but alas, no. They all came out with us looking either over-enthusiastic, or slightly insane. Oh well. These are the best we could manage.

And the Estuary from the same spot. (you can see the little town on the left)

Casper and I then made our way to Bremer Bay, which is another holiday tradition. Last year was the first year I didn't go there since I was 5... so I thought a Bremer fix was definately in order. This is the bay from the top of the hill.

The human pyramid. These are campers from Glen Echo camp. We spent the whole day with them chilling out at the beach. Unfortunately they had a gastro outbreak so we kept our distance... eeek.

Frenchman's Bay again...

Campers Jumping off Bombie Rock at Frenchman's Bay in Albany

Swan Yoga

Geographe Bay in Bussleton. I took this while we were visiting sailing camp (thus the boat). There was a little bunch of beautiful black swans just hanging out at the waters edge... I don't think I've ever seen swans at the ocean before, so it was quite exciting! They were also very very funny to watch.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007


Just letting you know that we've changed the settings so that you can now leave comments... which is a nice way to keep in touch if email is too much hard work.

Also, if you want to have a closer look at some of the photos you can click on them and they will enlarge.

More updates once we're back from our Albany/Bussleton/Bremer Bay trip.

Love to all.
Erin and Casper.

The Boat Shed

Mum, Dad, Casper and I also had an early-morning breakfast at the Boatshed Cafe. I was quite excited when I saw a very beautiful pelican, so I announced "PELICAN!!!!" to the rest of the restaurant (luckily there was only one other person in there) and then I leapt over the restaurant railing and ran after it with my camera. I love pelicans!!! YAY! PELICAN!

Kings Park

Mum and Dad came to Perth for a concert and stayed for a week or so. It was very convenient timing because I was in need of holiday company. Along with days of cleaning , vacuuming and steam cleaning our house to try to get rid of allegy-causing nasties, Mum and I did a lovely day walk in Kings Park. It was blue, clear and sunny. I enjoyed watching the ducks sprinting down the hill with their little legs! The banksia garden was also beautiful. Thanks for a lovely day, Mum.
Casper and I also went over one evening for fish and chips by the river (with many raucus gallahs) and Mum, Dad and I watched a movie, while Casper did his tax return.

Monday, January 1, 2007

Woody Island

Some recent photos from Woody Island. We spent Christmas with family and friends. A big feast overlooking the ocean and a cryptic treasure hunt thanks to Sue and Mum.
Next year we are planning on following some Polish Christmas traditions, with a meal of dill potatoes and fish on Christmas Eve and we will climb the hill to watch the first star come out.

By the time New Years came around, everyone else had left so we had a lovely relaxing, quiet few days. I planned to take alot more photos but I was too distracted relaxing in the hammock, or snorkelling in the bay, or reading, or fishing or whatever else I happened to be inclined towards.
We had an incredible day walking to the other end of the island and managed to catch ourselves eight very fat fishes!! Mostly they were black drummers. We also found another little fishing hole with just sweep and wrasse biting. Good to know for next year! We wont even need to take food!!
I did a few days of early morning yoga with a holidaying yoga instructor. Casper slept in on those days. But some days we did have lovely early morning walks and cups of tea before the rest of the island awoke.
It was so nice to be back there again. As I get on the boat to leave, a part of me always stays behind. See you next year, old friend.

Mac's Jetty

The bay at sunrise

Pacific gulls

Our beautiful little fishing spot

On the hilltop

Erin won the "who can get the biggest fish" competition. But Casper won the "who is the best husband in the world" competition.

A black drummer... They're very heavy.

Christmas lollies

Casper on Christmas Day


Casper and I supported Ben during a 12-hour mountain bike race in Jarrahdale. The race began at 5pm and finished at 5am so the whole thing was ridden in the dark. Some of the kids from RIDE camp also came along and competed as a team of 4. Ben did the whole race on his own... on a single speed bike. He rode about 189kms of rough terrain in that time and despite 2 flat tires in the first 2 laps, he managed to keep pushing on and got fourth!!
Casper and I were exhausted enough just staying up all night to pass Ben a drink every 40 minutes. I collapsed on the gravel for a sleep once the whole thing was over, while Ben did the long drive back to Freo.

yay for the single speed!

Me after a long night watching Ben do laps

I couldn't work out how to do the high-speed photography thing.
But this is an accurate representation of how fast he was going..... Speedy. And slightly insane.

Coming in after his first lap. Only thirteen to go...

Drink, fruitcake and battery refill


Some photos from a very relaxing and glorious week away in Capel with the wonderful Lara. Casper stayed home and worked but came and stayed with us for a night, then Cas and I headed to Bussleton for a few days. It was a very very necessary break after uni, filled with hammocks, ocean, books, sewing, sushi, celery juice, sunsets, music, candles and sea breeze.

Tea with Nandy and Pop

Casper and I went to Nandy and Pop's house for a cup of tea before Christmas and I shared some of the childhood memories that are layered in that house. Then Casper went away on Servants for a week and I slept over for a night at their house. I spent most of my time trying to take photos of their cats. Morris (pictured) was VERY co-operative... I think he must have been a celebrity cat in one of his past lives because he certainly loved the camera. Sylvester (not pictured at all) was slightly less helpful. Every time I thought I had him, he managed to run right out of the frame as I was taking the shot.


These are photos from our trip to Broome last year. We had lots of fun with Fiona on the days she wasn't working. She gave us some excellent soap on arrival along with a 7-page "welcome to Broome letter". We did a wonderful day at Port Beach and an early morning walk to Gantheum point, where it got very hot and we were luckily rescued by the town's harbour master who drove us back to town in his air conditioned car. We had a lovely morning at the Broome markets, and one night at the old Broome outdoor cinema where we watched an incredibly moving Indigenous film called "Kanyini".

The rest of the time, Casper and I explored on some very rickety old borrowed bicycles. Most days we ended up at the beach, where we spent many hours laying around and reading, chatting, swimming, snoozing.
Good holiday. Gooooooood. Cable Beach had a million billion trillion jellyfish. One local said it was the worst they'd ever seen it, so we generally did our beaching on the other side of the peninsula where there were no jellies.

Casper and I chatting in the shade

A secret cave that we found on Port Beach

Broome Blue

Nasty Jellyfish

Crazy Crab on Port Beach

Pretty rocks

Beautiful Broome colours